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Children & Youth Ministries

Children and youth aren't the future of the church - they are the present! Children and youth ministries are meeting online and in person. Check out some ways to connect with our children and youth ministries!


For the latest updates, email or check our social media pages: Facebook and Instagram 



Nursery Childcare is available during worship on Sundays for ages 0-5, with trained childcare staff. Children will play, hear music, and be cared for in an age-appropriate environment.


On Sundays, children in K-5th grades can attend Sunday School during worship. Children will start in worship with their families, and they will be dismissed to their classroom during the service.



Every Sunday at 9:30am, we upload a new Children's Chapel video to Facebook and YouTube! This worship service is designed for kids to watch at home, and there are links to print out activities that families can do at home together.




The youth group is open to students in 6th-12th grades. It meets on the third Sunday each month from 5-7pm for a lesson, games, and fun. Follow us on Instagram or email Family Ministries Assistant Becca Baughman ( to find out about special activities and events coming up!



On Wednesdays at 4:00pm, we share a Midweek Meditation moment when students can reflect on a few Bible verses and pray. Check it out on our Instagram page!

  • facebook
  • instagram
  • YouTube
  • Spotify

Church: (813) 236-5931

Preschool: (813) 232-8231

6111 N Central Ave
Tampa, FL 33604

Office Hours: 

Monday - Thursday

by Appointment only

©2024 by Seminole Heights United Methodist Church

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