The days leading up to Easter are called Holy Week, a time of reflection on the life, death, and resurrection on Jesus.
Celebrate Holy Week and Easter with us!
We can't wait to see you here!

Palm Sunday Worship
Sunday, April 13
The Sunday before Easter, join us in worship to hear the story of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the beginning of Jesus' journey to the cross and life everlasting. We will also hear the story of Jesus's last week leading up to his death and share in special music prepared by our music team for an inspiring morning of worship together.

Holy Week Prayer Service
Wednesday, April 16
Join us on Wednesday after our weekly free dinner for a special time of prayer and centering as we prepare to journey through the many emotional moments of Jesus life, death, and resurrection. We will gather downstairs in the Chapel.

Holy Thursday
Community Dinner & Communion
Thursday, April 17
As Jesus shared in the Last Supper with his disciples, join us for a dinner open to all and a time of remembrance and sharing in communion together. We will gather downstairs in Allen Hall.

Good Friday
Friday, April 18
Worship Service - 6:00pm
Each year on Good Friday, we have an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Join us in the Sanctuary for our Good Friday worship service to hear the story of Jesus's last day and his death on the cross as we prepare our hearts for Easter.

Easter Sunrise Worship
Sunday, April 20
Early on Easter morning we will gather on the lawn to hear the story of Jesus’s resurrection and God’s power over death and to share in a simple time of worship.
We invite you to bring a treat to share and flowers to decorate our flower cross.

Easter Worship Celebration
Sunday, April 20
We welcome you to a celebratory Easter worship in the Sanctuary with inspiring music and a message of hope. We will celebrate God’s love for us and the triumph of God’s power over death. Bring flowers to decorate our flower cross, and come early to enjoy coffee and treats.