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Updated for 2024

On Saturday, November 23, 8:00am-3:00pm, Seminole Heights UMC will host our annual craft fair in the heart of Old Seminole Heights, which has taken place for over 50 years.

We are seeking vendors of craft items of any type or consultants for products such as Pampered Chef, Creative Memories, Avon, etc. We apologize in advance; however, we are unable to accept food vendors at this time.

Cost is $50 for a 10' x 10' outdoor space. The registration deadline is November 9. Cost includes a lunch ticket for food concessions.

Once your application is received and reviewed, you will receive instructions on how to pay for your space. This is a rain or shine event, and unfortunately, we cannot offer refunds once you have paid.

Questions? Email with Holiday Craft Bazaar in the subject line to sign up today! We will see you on November 23!

Pastor Tiffania is expecting a Baby Girl, due at the beginning of June. She will be on maternity leave for 12 weeks. While she is out, please email with any questions or concerns. Weekly worship will continue Sundays at 10:30am. See the guest preaching schedule below!

May 26: Becca Baughman, Family and Community Ministries Assistant

June 2: Rev. Clark Edwards, former pastor at Seminole Heights UMC 1992-2000

June 9: Sam Martinez, Chair of Florida Conference Cuba Ministry

June 16: Rev. Brian Carr, Director of Church Relations for Residing Hope (formerly the Florida United Methodist Children's Home)

June 23: Rev. Florence Parra, retired UMC local pastor

June 30: Becca Baughman, Family and Community Ministries Assistant

July 7: Rev. Elizabeth Byrd, Associate Pastor at Peachtree Road UMC in Atlanta, GA

July 14: Sue Panazze, Seminole Heights UMC Lay Speaker

July 21: Abdel Rodriguez, Candidate for Ministry at Faith Primera Iglesia in Tampa

July 28: Youth Sunday

August 4: Rev. Jackie Jones-Smith, retired UMC Elder

August 11: Sue Panazze, Seminole Heights UMC Lay Speaker

August 18: Molly McEntire, Florida Annual Conference Missional Engagement Team Lead

August 25: Bishop Tom Berlin, Resident Bishop of the Florida Annual Conference


Our Capital Campaign—Restoring the Past, Building the Future—honors and recognizes the rich history of our church while looking to the future of what we can build together. A campaign to replace the air conditioner that cools the Sanctuary and Allen Hall and replace the elevator will allow our church to continue to thrive and grow as we welcome all ages to experience the love of God.


Seminole Heights UMC has been serving our community for over 100 years, inside and outside the walls of our historic building. By updating accessibility and comfort in our primary worship and meeting spaces, we will create a welcoming and enjoyable space for neighbors of all ages to gather, grow, and share in the love of God. As you pray alongside our Church Leadership Team and Campaign Leadership Team, be reminded of those who came before us and built this house to glorify God and our call to do the same for the beloved children of God who will come after us. — Pastor Tiffania


The costs of the elevator and air conditioner replacement are estimated around $250,000. A new elevator will allow older adults, those with mobility issues, and families with strollers to comfortably access our Sanctuary on Sundays. The air conditioner that cools the Sanctuary and Allen Hall has not worked at full capacity for many years, and a new replacement will ensure the comfort of those worshipping on Sundays and meeting in Allen Hall throughout the week for years to come. Any additional funds raised will be kept in a Building Fund and used for further repairs to our historic building.


Not an equal share, but an equal sacrifice.

The leadership of your church recognizes that giving any time, let alone giving during these challenging times, means making a sacrifice. Scripture calls us to sacrificial giving in our worship of God, and in our efforts to care for others. In fact, we're instructed to give with joy because of the love Jesus gave for all people in his life, death, and resurrection. That’s how Jesus gave Himself for the world. Still, we recognize that not everyone will be able to give the same amount.


As with all other things, it is appropriate to pray as you seek God’s wisdom for your gift over and above your regular support. Please start praying now. We will receive commitments in mid-May. Would you join us and pray the following prayer and then listen for how God would answer?

“God, what do You want to do through me?”


April 14 - Gratitude Sunday

April 21 - Ministry Sunday

April 28 - Prayer Sunday

May 12 - Commitment Sunday Celebration

I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild. —Amos 9:14a

Download a 21 Day Devotional Guide below

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Church: (813) 236-5931

Preschool: (813) 232-8231

6111 N Central Ave
Tampa, FL 33604

Office Hours: 

Monday - Thursday

by Appointment only

©2024 by Seminole Heights United Methodist Church

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